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Nos sources

We offer a list of resources to help you understand or deepen your knowledge of medieval swords, most of them are in English.



- Marko ALEKSIC; Mediaeval Swords from Southeastern Europe - Material from 12th to 15th century; Paperback, 2007

- E. OAKESHOTT; Record of medieval sword; The Boydell Press, 1991

- E. OAKESHOTT; Sword in the age of chivalery; The Boydell Press, 1965

- Ian PEIRCE; Sword of the Viking Age; The Boydell Press, 2002

- Catalogue d'exposition du Musée de Cluny, L'épée : Usages, mythes et symboles, RMN, 2011

- The Sword - Form and Thought; Deutsches Klingenmuseum, 2015


Online resources:


- Specialized sites:


   * My : Website and forum on medieval weapons, you will find photos of museum exhibits, specific articles and subjects debated by a community of experts.

   * Sword Site :  The largest online collection of sources for swords and other blades. Swords from museums and private collections are here classified and presented with photos and measurements available.

- Selected museum collections:


   * Royal Armouries : Site of the Royal Armories museums, many beautiful swords in their database.

   * Philamuseum:  Site of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

  * The Metropolitain Museum: The Metropolitan Museum of New York brings together many known and remarkable pieces.

   * Musée de l'Armée de Paris: The French army museum database in Paris. Outstanding pieces

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